There is a mouse under the sink
Little mouse turds around in the kitchen drawers
It is raining, storming
The refrigerator
has gone to the dump
Donald's back
has brought him to bed for several months
He can't move
The war is skidding to an 'end'
Who wants to kill anything.
Buy two mousetraps
and leave them unset
around in conspicuous places
I think it's gone away. One day
I take the peanut oil from under the sink
The top is gone.
Inside the peanut oil
is the body of a mouse.
Oh! too horrible
Look look at this!
I put it outside the back door
The top of the bottle is really very narrow
He wiggled in head first
He can't back out
He's drowned but preserved
He's in his oil tomb for two weeks
On Easter day I look at the bottle
He has risen
to the top
Donald now walks
Buries mouse next day.
Joanne Kyger, "A Story from Easter: He Has Risen" from About Now: Collected Poems. Copyright © 2017 by the Estate of Joanne Kyger.
Source: About Now: Collected Poems (National Poetry Foundation, University of Maine, 2007)